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Austria-based distribution

World-renown star or total rookie? Same rules for everyone!
World-renown star or total rookie? Same rules for everyone!
Frau macht Berechnungen und kauft online mit Kreditkarte ein. Frau nutzt Taschenrechner

Eco­nom­i­cal and fair

As col­lect­ing soci­eties, we must adhere to fixed roy­al­ty dis­tri­b­u­tion rules that apply equal­ly to all music cre­ators, regard­less of their lev­el of pop­u­lar­i­ty. You can view the dis­tri­b­u­tion rules and find them explained in this fold­er.

The extent of usage of the work is what is ulti­mate­ly dis­trib­uted. AKM and aus­tro mechana pay the pro­ceeds to their mem­bers direct­ly and in case of the mem­bers of sis­ter com­pa­nies inter­na­tion­al­ly, via these sis­ter companies.

Before dis­tri­b­u­tion, we deduct the oper­at­ing expens­es incurred (AKM) or the com­mis­sion fees (aus­tro mechana) — we have no prof­it! This expense deduc­tion by AKM has amount­ed to around 10–12% in recent years, a very low val­ue by inter­na­tion­al com­par­i­son. We also use this to cov­er the costs of social and cul­tur­al grant and pro­mo­tion­al oppor­tu­ni­ties for AKM members.


More royalties from online usage

Music is increas­ing­ly being streamed on on-demand plat­forms such as Spo­ti­fy and YouTube. In order to process usage reports more quick­ly and accu­rate­ly and to help ensure that cre­ators receive their roy­al­ties prompt­ly, AKM has estab­lished a strate­gic part­ner­ship with ICE (Inter­na­tion­al Copy­right Enter­prise) in the field of mul­ti-ter­ri­to­r­i­al online licens­ing. Addi­tion­al­ly, the data pro­cess­ing of sev­er­al online plat­forms is car­ried out through AKM’s NEON software.

AKM payout dates

The indi­vid­ual areas entrust­ed to AKM for admin­is­tra­tion give rise to the var­i­ous AKM roy­al­ty dis­tri­b­u­tion cat­e­gories. Cur­rent­ly, AKM issues four state­ments per year.


ORF Radio Q3

Diverse Aus­landsabrech­nun­gen



ORF Radio Q4 + Endabrechnung

ORF Radio: Großes Recht

ORF Fernse­hen: 2. Hal­b­jahr + Pauschalabrechnung

ORF Fernse­hen: Großes Recht

ORF Fernse­hen Film 2. Hal­b­jahr + Pauschalabrechnung

Live-Auf­führun­gen der Ern­sten Musik

Live-Auf­führun­gen der Unterhaltungsmusik

Mech­a­nis­che Musik

Wiener­lied – Unterhaltungsmusik

Kabarett/ Ein­la­gen­musik




Diverse Aus­landsabrech­nun­gen



ORF Radio Q1

Fernse­hen Pri­vat Österreich

Radio Pri­vat Österreich

Diverse Aus­landsabrech­nun­gen



ORF Fernse­hen 1. Halbjahr

ORF Fernse­hen Film 1. Halbjahr

ORF Radio Q2

Live-Auf­führun­gen der Unterhaltungsmusik

Mech­a­nis­che Musik

Kabe­lent­gelt GEMA

Kabe­lent­gelt SUISA

Öster­re­ichis­che Pro­gramm- und
Wer­be­fen­ster in deutschen Sendern

3‑Sat und 3‑Sat Film (inkl. 3‑Sat Großes Recht)

Diverse Aus­landsabrech­nun­gen


austro mechana payout dates

The var­i­ous dis­tri­b­u­tion cat­e­gories by aus­tro mechana arise from the indi­vid­ual areas that are entrust­ed to aus­tro mechana. Aus­tro mechana cur­rent­ly issues three main state­ments per year (July, Sep­tem­ber, Decem­ber) as well as a pay­ment in mid-March.


Radio ORF Q3 des Vorjahres

TV ORF 1. Hal­b­jahr des Vorjahres




Radio ORF Q4 des Vorjahres

Radio ORF Große Rechte des Vorjahres

Phono 2. Hal­b­jahr des Vorjahres

Video 2. Hal­b­jahr des Vorjahres

Aus­land Phono (Konz­ern­pres­sun­gen)
2. Hal­b­jahr des Vorjahres


Zuschlag Öster­re­ich

Zuschlag Öster­re­ich Online




Radio ORF Endabrech­nung des Vorjahres

Radio ORF Q1 des laufend­en Jahres

TV ORF 2. Hal­b­jahr des
Vor­jahres plus Pauschalabrechnung

Diverse Auf­nah­men des Vorjahres

Privatradio/ TV des Vorjahres




Radio ORF Q2 des laufend­en Jahres

Phono 1. Hal­b­jahr des laufend­en Jahres

Video 1. Hal­b­jahr des laufend­en Jahres

Aus­land Phono (Konz­ern­pres­sun­gen)
1. Hal­b­jahr des laufend­en Jahres

TV 3‑Sat des Vorjahres

Wer­be­fen­ster des Vorjahres



All distribution categories at a glance

The most impor­tant dis­tri­b­u­tion divi­sions of both com­pa­nies and the dis­tri­b­u­tion inter­vals are list­ed here. You can find exact details in the usage statements.

Distribution divisions of AKM

ORF Radio

Broad­casts on all ORF radio sta­tions, with the excep­tion of the grand rights that apply.


Music on demand stream­ing, Music on demand down­load, Video on demand stream­ing, Video on demand down­load, etc.

ORF tele­vi­sion

Pro­grams on ORF TV with the excep­tion of fea­ture-length films on tele­vi­sion and TV films as well as grand rights.

ORF TV film

Fea­ture-length films and TV films on ORF television

Pop music

Live per­for­mances at pop­u­lar music events

Mechan­i­cal music

In the ‘Mechan­i­cal Music’ divi­sion, those works are account­ed for that occur in the same dis­tri­b­u­tion peri­od in the Musi­cal Music divi­sion and for which a com­mer­cial record­ing is or was avail­able in Aus­tria or which have record­ed online usage from pre­vi­ous periods.

Cabaret/interlude music

Musi­cal per­for­mances in cabarets, stage works, etc.

Elec­tron­ic music

Live per­for­mances at clas­si­cal music events.

Church music

Litur­gi­cal music


Pub­lic repro­duc­tion of mechan­i­cal music in discos.

Fea­ture-length films

Music in films shown in cinemas.

Grand right/TV ORF

Broad­casts of music-dra­mat­ic works on ORF television.

Grand right/Radio ORF

Broad­casts of music-dra­mat­ic works on ORF radio.


Broad­casts on ORF, ZDF, ARD and SRG joint chan­nels. The ORF pro­gram parts are includ­ed in the distribution.

3‑Sat film

Fea­ture-length films and TV films on the joint broad­cast­ers of ORF, ZDF, ARD and SRG. The ORF pro­gram parts are includ­ed in the distribution.

Pro­gram window

Pro­gram parts for the Aus­tri­an broad­cast­ing area on pri­vate Ger­man broadcasters.

Adver­tis­ing window

Adver­tis­ing for the Aus­tri­an broad­cast­ing area on pri­vate Ger­man broadcasters.

Pri­vate tele­vi­sion Austria

Broad­casts on Aus­tri­an pri­vate television.

Pri­vate tele­vi­sion film Austria

Fea­ture-length films and tele­vi­sion films on Aus­tri­an pri­vate television.

Pri­vate radios Austria

Broad­casts on Aus­tri­an pri­vate radio stations.

Distribution divisions of austro mechana

Aus­tria Radio ORF

This state­ment con­tains the license fees incurred for broad­casts on ORF radio for mechan­i­cal repro­duc­tions for so-called ‘small rights’.


This dis­tri­b­u­tion main­ly includes roy­al­ties for music on demand with stream­ing and downloading.

Aus­tria TV ORF

This state­ment of accounts includes the license fees for mechan­i­cal repro­duc­tions of the pre­vi­ous cal­en­dar year for broad­casts on ORF tele­vi­sion for small rights. Rights for the music in third-par­ty pro­duc­tions (e.g. Amer­i­can sound films and Amer­i­can series) are not exer­cised by aus­tro mechana.

Aus­tria Phono

This dis­tri­b­u­tion con­cerns roy­al­ties from the license fees col­lect­ed direct­ly by aus­tro mechana in the sound record­ing sec­tor. These roy­al­ties con­sist of roy­al­ties from ongo­ing indi­vid­ual pro­duc­tions (so-called spe­cial press­ings) as well as from trade, club sales and exports from aus­tro mechana’s BIEM/IFPI con­trac­tu­al part­ners in the pre­vi­ous six months.

For­eign Phono (cor­po­rate pressings)

Some multi­na­tion­al record com­pa­nies have con­clud­ed a so-called “cen­tral licens­ing agree­ment” with col­lect­ing com­pa­nies inter­na­tion­al­ly for the pur­pose of this com­pa­ny cen­tral­ly cal­cu­lat­ing and col­lect­ing the roy­al­ties from sound record­ing sales for each sales coun­try. These licens­es are then for­ward­ed to the col­lect­ing soci­ety in the respec­tive sales coun­try for fur­ther dis­tri­b­u­tion. These license fees are includ­ed in the “For­eign Phono” dis­tri­b­u­tion for the pre­vi­ous six months.

Aus­tria video

This roy­al­ty cal­cu­la­tion con­tains the license fees col­lect­ed for the mechan­i­cal repro­duc­tion of audio­vi­su­al media, i.e., in each case, for the pre­vi­ous six months.

Aus­tria Radio/TV ORF — grand rights

This roy­al­ty break­down includes the license fees for mechan­i­cal repro­duc­tions of the pre­vi­ous cal­en­dar year for broad­casts of music-dra­mat­ic works on ORF (radio and television).

Aus­tria TV 3‑Sat

This roy­al­ty break­down includes the license fees for mechan­i­cal repro­duc­tion for the so-called small rights of the pre­vi­ous cal­en­dar year for broad­casts for the ORF share in 3sat.

Aus­tria TV 3‑Sat – grand rights at play

This roy­al­ty break­down includes the license fees for mechan­i­cal repro­duc­tions of the pre­vi­ous cal­en­dar year incurred for broad­casts of music-dra­mat­ic works for the ORF share in 3sat.

Aus­tria pri­vate radio/TV (Aus­tria pri­vate station)

This roy­al­ty break­down includes the license fees for mechan­i­cal repro­duc­tions incurred for broad­casts from pri­vate broad­cast­ers (radio and tele­vi­sion) in the pre­vi­ous cal­en­dar year.

Aus­tria — var­i­ous recordings

This roy­al­ty break­down includes license fees for record­ings on sound record­ings or video record­ings intend­ed for pub­lic per­for­mances, as well as fees for oth­er record­ings from the pre­vi­ous cal­en­dar year.

Ger­man adver­tis­ing windows

This roy­al­ty break­down includes the license fees for mechan­i­cal repro­duc­tions of music in com­mer­cials on Ger­man pri­vate tele­vi­sion in the pre­vi­ous cal­en­dar year.

Stor­age media compensation

This state­ment con­tains the dis­tri­b­u­tion of 50% of the total income from the stor­age media com­pen­sa­tion of the pre­vi­ous year, which is dis­trib­uted as a uni­form lump per­cent­age sur­charge on the assess­ment basis.

SMV movie

From the 50% share of the total income from stor­age media remu­ner­a­tion, that share of video income is allo­cat­ed to film dis­tri­b­u­tion in advance, which cor­re­sponds to the pro­por­tion of the total broad­cast­ing time of the music in films (third-par­ty pro­duc­tions) broad­cast in the ORF’s tele­vi­sion pro­grams and in the ORF’s pro­gram share on 3sat. This state­ment con­tains the dis­tri­b­u­tion of the deter­mined amount.


This account­ing con­cerns license fees where the costs of dis­tri­b­u­tion are dis­pro­por­tion­ate­ly high in rela­tion to the amount attrib­ut­able to the indi­vid­ual work.

Usage statements for Austria-based distribution

We pro­vide usage state­ments for respec­tive Aus­tria-based roy­al­ty dis­tri­b­u­tion free of charge. The fol­low­ing data can be accessed in the usage lists: per­for­mance, loca­tion and date, name of the orga­niz­er or broad­cast­er, broad­cast area, broad­cast date and broad­cast duration.

The usage list is avail­able in the ser­vice por­tal under My Hits.

Up to 8 payments per year

Depend­ing on the usage of your works, you can receive up to eight pay­ments per year from AKM and aus­tro mechana.

Do you have questions about royalty distribution? We are happy to help!

Mitarbeiter Claudia Maletschek

Clau­dia Maletschek

Roy­al­ty Distribution 
+43 50717–19310

Mitarbeiter Doris Hirschbeck

Doris Hirschbeck

Mechan­i­cal Rights — Radio/TV
+43 50717–19315

Ansprechperson Symbol

Hei­de­marie Bauer

Broad­cast­ing Rights — Radio
+43 50717–19341

Ansprechperson Symbol

Mon­i­ca Valenta

Broad­cast­ing Rights — Television
+43 50717–19342

Ansprechperson Symbol

San­dra Fischer

Broad­cast­ing rights for cin­e­ma and tele­vi­sion films & Per­for­mance rights — cin­e­ma film
+43 50717–19344

Ansprechperson Symbol

Geral­dine Collet

Per­for­mance rights — light music, mechan­i­cal music, dis­cothe­ques
Seri­ous music, sacred music
+43 50717–19322

Ansprechperson Symbol

Jas­min Dallapozza

Per­for­mance rights — light music, mechan­i­cal music, discotheques
+43 50717–19330

Ansprechperson Symbol

Andrea Fraisl

Mem­ber Account­ing AKM
+43 50717–19407

Ansprechperson Symbol

Thomas Ham­ler

Mem­ber account­ing aus­tro mechana
+43 50717–19408


These are the pay­ments that authors receive for the use of their works. With­in the scope of the AKM’s activ­i­ties — these are pub­lic per­for­mances and broad­casts — AKM mem­bers receive their roy­al­ties from AKM. As far as with­in aus­tro mechana’s radar of aware­ness – e.g. for sound record­ing sales or phono dis­tri­b­u­tion — aus­tro mechana mem­bers receive their roy­al­ties from aus­tro mechana.

The dis­tri­b­u­tion takes place accord­ing to roy­al­ty dis­tri­b­u­tion rules which are decid­ed by the board of AKM or the gen­er­al meet­ing of aus­tro mechana and are con­tin­u­al­ly adjust­ed ⎯ both bod­ies that are com­posed exclu­sive­ly of com­posers, music lyri­cists and music publishers.

Before dis­tri­b­u­tion, only the oper­at­ing expens­es incurred are deduct­ed. AKM and aus­tro mechana do not make any prof­it from the income!

We have reci­procity agree­ments with for­eign sis­ter com­pa­nies in all parts of the world, on the basis of which the license fees for our mem­bers are col­lect­ed in that respec­tive con­text and the result­ing roy­al­ties are sub­se­quent­ly dis­trib­uted to us accord­ing­ly. We will then dis­trib­ute the amounts received with you (inter­na­tion­al distribution).